Groin Pain

Groin pain, often stemming from various sources, can range from mild discomfort to severe agony. Sports injuries, hernias, strains, and hip problems can cause pain in the groin area. Inflammation of the adductor muscles or tendons, known as groin strains, commonly occurs during physical activity. Hip joint issues or hernias can also lead to persistent pain. Proper diagnosis involves evaluating pain characteristics, location, and triggers. Medical history, physical examination, and imaging aid assessment. Treatment varies from rest, physical therapy, or medications to surgical intervention when needed. Timely attention and tailored management restore comfort and functionality.

Iloinguinal Neuralgia

Ilioinguinal neuralgia involves chronic pain along the ilioinguinal nerve’s path in the lower abdomen and groin, often stemming from nerve irritation or compression, requiring targeted treatment.

Post Hernia Repair Pain

Post-hernia repair pain refers to discomfort following hernia surgery. It can result from nerve irritation, scar tissue, or other factors, necessitating careful assessment and management.

Referring physicians are welcome to call us any time at 833-339-7246 with questions or concerns about a shared patient or to refer a patient to our care.

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3821 Constitution Dr.
Suite 100
El Paso, TX 79922

(833) 339-PAIN (7246)
(915) 257-6302

© 2024 Villa Pain Institute